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Episode 24:
In our final podcast of the year we share our strategies on launching in the US and reveal the unaverage decisions that lead to BIG money!

The Show:
Episode 24 – In our final podcast of the year we share our strategies on launching in the US and reveal the unaverage decisions that lead to BIG money!
We also talk …
- Nailing the customer experience – they are the center of everything!
- Hammering down your network to build the HYPE
- Winning over local markets to gain countrywide success
- Negotiating with celebrity attention on social media 
-  Be different! That's the marketing game plan. Simple.
- Company transparency is key to building partnerships 
- Building a community that focuses on people, not product

Join +10,000 Crewlove and be a part of Mid-day Squares as we build the Company and meet Epic people along the way!